The building of an area goes beyond knowing the formatting, programing and coding needed to implement it. To create an area
that is alive and will draw mudders into a game is not an easy task; it takes creativity, planning, and knowledge. Becoming
a builder is not done over night. For every ten builders that apply for a job one succeeds and in five years one of ten that
succeeded will still remain. As with any writing type position burn out and writers block cripple the builder. The following
items are what I use in building. While these may not work for everyone, this is what works for me.
On the Link Page is a list of resources that I use when constructing an area. The pre-building phase is critical to a
good area being developed.
In writing a good description if you do not step into the area and see it from a mudders position what makes you think
that they will believe they are there? The trick is to see it, smell it, taste it, feel it, use all your senses to make a
room come alive.