Organization Requires Purpose
Creating a simple layout is critical to a well designed area. It maps the way you are going, and shows where you have come
from. Not to metion, a layout is often required when an area is submitted.
Your Mission
Your mission is to build an area that will be not only completed, but implimented and used for many years to come. It is also
to express yourself in a manner in which others will look on your creation and forget about the world outside.
If you do not believe in what you are creating, they won't either. Hence, it is very important to have a purpose for creating
an area:
Area name: _______________________________ Vnums: __________________________________
Target Level range: _________________________
Region type: City field forest hills mountains underwater air desert unknown ocean floor undergound other: __________
Area purpose (circle one) LEVELING RP GOLD EQ TRAIN CLAN

The above layout was created in Excel. It is very simple and shows the form of a basic castle.

The above area layout was created using Excel.